The Ultimate Lightweight, Highly Versatile Day/Weekend Sea Kayak – now even lighter in Ultralight! The Volan is built specifically for those who want to make the most of day and weekend trips; tracking straight when flat but swinging round effortlessly when on edge or carving into a turn, the Volan has comfortable performance for both the journey and any play spots you find on the way. The short, 16’ length provides ample hull speed for most adventures and helps keep weight to an absolute minimum for nimble performance and easy handling.
5962,00 €
Length | 489 cm/16' |
Width | 58 cm/1'9 |
Weight | 16 kg/34 lbs |
Max.Cap. | 120 kg/264 lbs |
Materials | Ultralight Kevlar/Carbon Infusion |
Colors | Custom |
Sizes | 158 . 160 |
The Ultimate Lightweight, Highly Versatile Day/Weekend Sea Kayak – now even lighter in Ultralight!
Length | 489 cm/16' |
Width | 58 cm/1'9 |
Weight | 16 kg/34 lbs |
Max.Cap. | 120 kg/264 lbs |
Materials | Ultralight Kevlar/Carbon Infusion |
Colors | Custom |
Sizes | 158 . 160 |