Proton Battleax

MSRP   350,00 

Blade Size

450 mm x 190 mm

Shaft Size

20.5 mm

Grip Width

680 mm


30 deg


Freestyle 993 g . BattleAx 1140 g

The new Powerstick Proton is based on the “bicycle grip” concept – but it’s updated for modern technologies and paddling trends.

The new Powerstick Proton is based on the “bicycle grip” concept – but it’s updated for modern technologies and paddling trends.
The lighter Freestyle paddle is a kevlar/carbon blade construction, while the heavier and stronger Battle-ax has kevlar/ S glass blades. Non-slip ergonomic polyurethane grips are molded directly onto the shaft.
We’ve reengineered the buoyant blade construction, so that what is usually the weak part of of the back of the blade, is now significantly stronger than the similar type paddles of past. We’ve also solved the blade swivel issue of older type paddles.
The overall effect is the same ergonomic feel of a bent shaft, without the inherent “twisted feeling” that comes from offsetting a blade from the shaft, on a paddle that has a relaxed spring to its power pull.

Blade Size

450 mm x 190 mm

Shaft Size

20.5 mm

Grip Width

680 mm


30 deg


Freestyle 993 g . BattleAx 1140 g