A traditional-style canoe without compromise – the Prospector 155 is perfectly sized for 2 adults and a moderate amount of gear. The traditional-style Venture Prospector excels on wilderness expeditions and whitewater trips, making it popular with enthusiasts and outdoor centers across the globe. Based on historic Prospector designs, this model is a true workhorse, sharing the ability to maintain excellent edging performance for smooth turns on both moving and flat water, even when fully loaded.
Brand:Venture Canoes
Prospector 155 Adventurer
1995,00 €
Length | 464 cm/15'2 |
Width | 91 cm/2'9 |
Weight | 36 kg/78 lbs |
Max. Cap. | 370 kg/815 lbs |
Materials | CoreLite (Foam Core HDPE) |
Colors | Dark Green . Olive Green . Tahoe Blue . Radical Red . Fantastic Fuchsia |
Sizes | One Size |
A traditional-style canoe without compromise – the Prospector 155 is perfectly sized for 2 adults and a moderate amount of gear.
Length | 464 cm/15'2 |
Width | 91 cm/2'9 |
Weight | 36 kg/78 lbs |
Max. Cap. | 370 kg/815 lbs |
Materials | CoreLite (Foam Core HDPE) |
Colors | Dark Green . Olive Green . Tahoe Blue . Radical Red . Fantastic Fuchsia |
Sizes | One Size |