Sometimes it’s an expedition, sometimes it’s just a short getaway, but it’s always a Leo. At around 16′ in length, and drawing influence from the Scorpio and Virgo, the Leo sits neatly between the two in the P&H range, offering a boat that allows paddlers to explore all avenues of sea kayaking comfortably.
1885,00 €
Length | 484 cm/15'8 |
Width | 56 cm/1'8 |
Weight | 27.5 kg/60 lbs |
Max.Cap. | 110 kg/242 lbs |
Materials | CoreLite X (Foam Core HDPE) |
Colors | Lizard Green . Fuego Orange . Tahoe Blue |
Sizes | MV . HV |
Sometimes it’s an expedition, sometimes it’s just a short getaway, but it’s always a Leo.
Length | 484 cm/15'8 |
Width | 56 cm/1'8 |
Weight | 27.5 kg/60 lbs |
Max.Cap. | 110 kg/242 lbs |
Materials | CoreLite X (Foam Core HDPE) |
Colors | Lizard Green . Fuego Orange . Tahoe Blue |
Sizes | MV . HV |